No ‘Ovation’ for shallow kids musical that never should have been made

Devon Jordan in "Standing Ovation" Twiggy Wiggs (Devon Jordan) demonstrates the subtle acting style of the superficial musical comedy “Standing Ovation.”

“Standing Ovation” is a spiritually bankrupt, morally reckless, ethically unhinged and emotionally vacant musical comedy about a group of tweenies who can’t act, sing or convincingly lip-sync.

This film deals in gay stereotypes. It traffics in token black characters. It advocates cheating. It condones revenge. It pushes the idea that money not only can buy happiness, money is happiness.

How this movie ever got into production will go down as one of the great mysteries of the world, along with where Jimmy Hoffa went.

Actor James Brolin served as the executive producer on this cinematic travesty. Maybe he thought “Standing Ovation” seemed like wonderful little movie for kids to enjoy.

In the immortal words of Dr. Phil, what was he thinking?

The story pits a group of cute, nice and poor junior high school girls against another group of cute, nasty and rich older girls called the Wiggies.

The poor girls call themselves the 5 Ovations, led by Brittany (Kayla Jackson).

Her mother and father are gone, for reasons that don’t matter. Her brother Mark (Austin Powell) and grandpa, Gramps (P. Brendan Mulvey), can’t even pay the rent.

Yet, Gramps steals what money Brittany saves and blows it at the racetrack. Brittany chides him for being irresponsible. But what does she do the moment she gets a hot tip from Joei (Joei DiCarlo), a tweenie she’s just met?

She bets on a horse. Yep, that’ll teach Gramps to be irresponsible with money. (Read more…)

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