Top-notch bad guy still can’t save ‘Losers’

Zoe Saldana and Jeffrey Dean Morgan in "The Losers" Aisha (Zoe Saldana) and Clay (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) enjoy a hot time in the action thriller “The Losers.”

The action-packed, DC-comic-book-inspired “The Losers” has apparently been created for young male viewers with attention-span deficiencies, an aversion to intimacy with women and a need to have everything in a movie spelled out on a 10-year-old’s level.

Take Jensen, played by Human Torch actor Chris Evans. When he operates a computer, he has this weird habit of explaining what he’s doing, even though there’s nobody else in the room.

As he downloads data, Jensen announces, “Downloading!”

During a shootout, he takes a bullet in the shoulder.

“I’ve been shot in the shoulder!” he shouts. Gee, thanks for the update, Jensen.

He’s one of five members of the CIA’s Special Forces team – aka The Losers – dropped into Bolivia to take out a drug lord’s operations.

Clay (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), the guy with permanent 8 o’clock shadow, commands the team. Roque (Idris Elba), the mean-looking, knife-happy dude, likes to stab first and ask questions later.

Pooch (Columbus Short), the nice guy, worries about his wife back home in the States. Cougar (Oscar Jaenada), who never removes his cowboy hat, handles a sniper’s rifle with deadly accuracy.

And, of course, there’s Jensen, a wild and crazy guy who fearlessly changes clothes in elevators and gets caught by the hungry eyes of admiring women. (Read more…)

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